Achive Your Financial Goals with Robust NMG Portfolios

Let our leading industry expert team construct a portfolio for you!

NMG Growth Portfolios

Grow capital and appreciate your assets with NMG growth portfolios. They are designed to achieve the maximum return with minimum risk.Grow capital and appreciate your assets with NMG growth portfolios. They are designed to achieve the maximum return with minimum risk.
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NMG Income Portfolios

NMG income portfolios generate a steady income to support your lifestyle while aiming to preserve your hard earned principal.NMG income portfolios generate a steady income to support your lifestyle while aiming to preserve your hard earned principal.
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NMG Balnced Portfolios

NMG balanced portfolios provide income and growth. They aim to generate a steady income while growing the assets.NMG balanced portfolios provide income and growth. They aim to generate a steady income while growing the assets.
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About Us

With more than 25 years of experience in financial industry, we provide robust portfolio models

With more than 25 years of experience in financial industry, we provide robust portfolio models to financial advisors and investment managers to help your clients achieve their investment goals. Our team includes some of the leading portfolio construction experts including a Harvard Finance Professor. Browse through the growing collection of our portfolios based on Income, Balanced, and Growth themes. Choose them based on risk tolerance, and investment objectives. GET STARTED NOW

NMG Customized Portfolios Better Alpha

Let our expert team to develop portfolios based on your clients risk tolerance and objectives or investment company needs.Let our expert team to develop portfolios based on your clients risk tolerance and objectives or investment company needs. GET STARTED NOW
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna.

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The Secret of Success

Success in investment begins with appreciating your risk tolerance, which is measured based on the following variables; time horizon, income level, age, investing capital, and your personality traits or psychology. We analyze stocks to select them for a portfolio which matches your risk tolerance and investment objectives.
INvestment Goals
We help you identify your risk tolerance by using Dr. Gandevani’s TPP instrument. The instrument seeks to match the best investment style, volatility, and duration with your personality. You tend to stay with your investment decisions when your portfolio is compatible with your personality.
POrtfolio Construction
Our expert team of financial analysts, including a Harvard Professor, construct an optimized portfolio to maximize the rerun while minimizing the risk.
Stock Selectios
Based on your investment goals and risk tolerance, we scan thousands of stocks to narrow our selection. We analyze the list to choose those with the highest potential to meet your goals.
Periodic Rebalancing
To keep the portfolio in line with your investment objectives and asset allocation, we rebalance it periodically.