NMG Balanced Portfolios

A Premium Portfolio Development and Management Company

NMG balanced portfolios provide income and growth. They aim to generate a steady income while growing the assets. NMG balanced portfolios invest in more than one asset type, such as stocks and bonds, for a stated objective, such as conservative, moderate or aggressive. NMG offers several balanced portfolios to choose from to match the risk tolerance and investment goals of investors.
NMG balanced portfolio is a type of hybrid fund, an investment fund that is characterized by diversification among two or more asset classes. The amounts the portfolio invests into each asset class usually must remain within a set minimum and maximum value. Another name for a balanced fund is an asset allocation portfolio.
NMG balanced fund portfolios do not materially change their asset mix—unlike life-cycle, target-date, and actively managed asset allocation funds, which evolve in response to the investor’s changing risk-return appetite and age or overall investment market conditions.